Month: April 2024

Period Supplies Needed!

The youth of Accotink are supporting the Food Justice DMV by gathering period supplies for immigrants! We are collecting period products to help us support our community! Please contribute to our donation box, which will be located in the gallery through April 14th!

Gently Used Children’s Book Collection

Do your children have books they’re no longer reading and are ready to give away?  Please consider donating gently used children’s books for Halley Elementary students in Kindergarten through 6th grade. Halley’s reading specialist will be sending books home with many students to read and enjoy over the summer and to help “grow” the children’s home … Continue reading Gently Used Children’s Book Collection

Ministerial Assessment Task Force Seeks Your Input

The Board of Directors has kicked off a new process for ministerial assessment. During the month of April, the Ministerial Assessment Task Force is working with input from the congregation and Minister to develop proposed goals for next program year that align with the five focus areas in the church’s mission statement. Proposed goals will … Continue reading Ministerial Assessment Task Force Seeks Your Input

AUUC Duplicate Bridge

AUUC’s duplicate bridge group meets at 1:30 on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month.  The duplicate group was started by Ginny and Moe Moser many years ago, and we continue in their memory along with our enjoyment of bridge and good fellowship.  We’re an easy going group of bridge players (mostly from AUUC) … Continue reading AUUC Duplicate Bridge

Board Meeting, May 1

AUUC members and friends are welcome to attend the Board’s monthly meetings. The next Board of Directors meeting will be held from 7-9 pm on May 1. As always, the agenda will begin with a 10-minute open forum for members and friends to share questions and feedback. You may attend the meeting in person at church or via Zoom. … Continue reading Board Meeting, May 1

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month

According to local nonprofit SCAN of Northern Virginia (Stop Child Abuse Now), “Child Abuse Prevention Month is about recognizing the importance of families and communities coming together to build resiliency, take action, and stand with child advocates. Child abuse cuts across all boundaries of race, education levels, and income brackets.” Through AUUC’s February outreach collection, we deepened … Continue reading April is Child Abuse Prevention Month

Nominate a Non-Profit for AUUC Outreach Collection

The Social Justice Committee invites you to nominate an organization to receive one of next year’s Outreach Collections. If you would like to suggest and sponsor an Outreach Collection next church year for a non-profit that is special to you and supports our UU principles, please submit an online nomination form by Wednesday, May 1st. The nomination … Continue reading Nominate a Non-Profit for AUUC Outreach Collection

Board and Card Game Night, May 4

Bring your favorite card or board game to play with other Accotinkers or invite a friend. Sign up to bring potluck dinner. May the 4th be with you. Since this is on May 4 you are welcome to bring Star Wars themed games or come in costume. Posted April 9, 2024