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AUUC Family Newsletter

March and April Schedule

March Theme is TRUST
Also PLEDGE month with Theme “You are not alone”

3/2/25     CYSD sessions related to Worship Theme

3/9/25     CYSD sessions related to Worship Theme
.              2nd Sunday Potluck Family Feedback &
.              Children’s Playdate (after the potluck)

3/12/25   Soul Matters for Parents 8:15 – 9:15 pm (Zoom link)

3/16/25   Multigenerational Worship
.              Meal Packing (after worship, whole church)

3/23/25   CYSD sessions related to Worship Theme
.              Pie Off 11:15 – 12:15 (whole church, family friendly)
.              Youth General Assembly Interest Meeting 12:15 – 1:30

3/30/25   CYSD sessions related to Worship Theme

April – Theme = JOY

4/6/25      CYSD sessions related to Worship Theme

4/9/25      Soul Matters for Parents 8:15 – 9:15 pm (Zoom link)

4/12/25    Potential Youth Gathering with Transylvania Choir 6:00 – 8:00 pm

4/13/25    CYSD sessions related to Worship Theme

4/20/25    Multigenerational Worship
.               Easter Egg Hunt (after worship)

4/27/25    CYSD sessions related to Worship Theme
.               Meal Packing (after worship, whole church)


What is Spiritual Development for Children and Youth?

Families gather each Sunday morning in the Sanctuary for shared worship during the beginning of the service. Most weeks, after a “Time for All Ages” story, children and youth ages 18 and younger head downstairs for their own chance to explore the themes that have been presented in worship. Age appropriate groupings assure children and youth have safe places to explore their developing faith.

  • The Elementary Group is for children in grades PK – 5 and facilitated by background checked volunteers who support children in co-creating their spiritual development. Games, crafts, and discussion that engages curiosity, builds connections and encourages choice supports children learning our Unitarian Universalist values and incorporating them into their lives.
  • The Youth Group is for youth in grades 6 – 12 and facilitated by background checked volunteers who encourage discussion and activities that develop relationships and offer opportunities to practice their UU faith. Youth occasionally have opportunities to sit in adult worship and engage in discussions about it as well as meet for off-site gatherings which support group development.

On the 3rd Sunday of the month, there will be multigenerational worship services, where everyone stays upstairs for a special all-ages service. When we all worship together, children and youth develop a greater sense of belonging to the church and the UU faith. They learn the structure of a worship, sing the hymns, and are more willing to take on roles within the service. Children and youth who grow up attending worship are then more likely to continue attending church and participating when they become adults. Don’t worry though, we know worshipers of all ages need opportunities to move, to be silent, to create, and to listen. We incorporate all modalities of learning and worship into our multigenerational services so that it can be an enriching experience for all.

What about infants, toddlers, and preschoolers?

There is a “prayground” to help our littlest participate in worship in the sanctuary, and the Nursery is also available for infants to preschool aged children, for guardians who prefer that their loved ones develop a relationship with our nurturing caregivers.

First time visitors

Before the church service begins, either the Director of Spiritual Development or the Chair of the Children’s Spiritual Development Committee—CSDC can give you a short tour downstairs and show you your child’s room. If you plan on visiting AUUC more than three times throughout the year, we ask that you complete a registration form online or available in paper form from one of the greeters.

We highly recommend you register your child so you will receive our program communications and announcements. Registration will also help to keep our children safe and healthy by letting us know who can pick up your child/youth and notify staff of any allergies or unique needs. Parents/guardians receive a handbook yearly with details about the program.

Volunteer Opportunities

After you have attended AUUC for at least six months, we encourage you to consider volunteering on Sunday as a Spiritual Development Facilitator. It is a wonderful way to deepen your own spiritual development and support the growth of our UU faith. We hope you consider sharing your talents with our religious education program at AUUC by filling out the volunteer form.

All volunteers regularly working with our young people must complete an application process to volunteer, including undergoing a background check, attending yearly safety trainings, and signing a Code of Ethics.


If you have any questions or would like more information about the Children’s Spiritual Development Program, please contact:

Director of Spiritual Development at

Children’s Spiritual Development Committee Chair at