Board of Directors Meeting, Jul. 3

The Board of Directors met for its regular monthly meeting on June 5. The Board approved an offer to a Director of Spiritual Development (DSD) candidate recommended by the DSD search team and finalized plans for the Annual Congregational Meeting held June 9. (Stay tuned for a summary of the Annual Meeting next week!) The Board also discussed updates on our Pledge Drive and draft 2024-2025 budget. Of note, we have a balanced budget for the coming church year, but this required making some difficult decisions, including giving our staff a 1 percent COLA instead of a 3.41 percent COLA and giving only 75 percent of our Fair Share to the UUA. For more information on the June Board meeting, please see the June Meeting Minutes.

AUUC members and friends are welcome to attend the Board’s monthly meetings. The next Board of Director’s meeting will be held from 7-9 pm on July 3. As always, the agenda will begin with a 10 minute open forum for members and friends to share questions and feedback. Meetings are usually hybrid (in person at church and via Zoom), but it’s a good idea to let a Board member know if you plan to attend because we occasionally switch to an all-Zoom format. An agenda will be shared in This Week at Accotink prior to the meeting. Please contact Julie at, Rev Levwood, or any Board member for the Zoom link.


Posted June 14, 2024