Auction Submissions Start, Aug. 18

Email Photos and Get Ready to Submit

One more call for photos! Our promotional banners, posters, and slides are full of circles… but so many of the circles are empty. Help us fill these circles by sending us photos of popular items you have donated or photos from fun events you’ve attended from past service auctions. From handmade creations to creative parties, from themed baskets to delicious dinners, we want to see it all! Please email your photos to:

A big thank you to all who have volunteered to help out with the auction! If you missed the interest meeting and want to be involved, please email us at so we can keep you in the loop.

Get brainstorming and ready your offerings! You should be able to start submitting items, services, and events through the auction website starting this Sunday! The AUUC Service Auction is a great way to build community, get to know each other better, share your talents and passions, and support the church all at the same time! We’ll send an email out with the link when it’s officially live.

Posted August 14, 2024