AUUC Services Auction 2024

Circle ’round for the auction!

Welcome to the AUUC Services Auction! This year we continue our recent theme of circles with “Circle ’round for the auction!” This is an important, annual fundraiser everyone is welcome to participate in. Community members offer services and items, community members bid on services and items, and our community grows stronger. We hope you’ll circle ’round and join us for all the fun!

Visit the auction site The auction is open for submissions now!

Important Dates

August 18: Auction opens for submissions
September 29: 
Deadline for items, events, and services to be submitted
October 19 at 10:30 am: 
In-person kickoff brunch
October 19 at noon: 
Online auction bidding opens
October 26 at noon: 
Online auction bidding closes
October 26 afternoon/evening: 
Hybrid live auction