Come Join Us at AUUC, Sept. 1 & Sept. 8

If you have been coming to AUUC for a while now, we would like to invite you to become a member of our community.  As a member, you will be able to help shape the direction of the church by your votes on major issues.  There are many other benefits of membership outlined in our Path to Membership brochure and on our website.  As tokens of appreciation, you will receive an embroidered nametag, a welcome gift, and recognition during Sunday worship.  But most importantly, you will have the satisfaction of becoming a fully participating member of the Accotink church community and of helping the church flourish.

Joining is a simple process of talking with our minister and signing our membership book. Join this month to participate in our New Member Welcome Service on Sept.15. Rev. Lev will be hosting book signings in his office after services on Sept. 1 and Sept. 8. If you plan to attend on one of these dates or for more information, please contact the membership chair, John L. at


Posted on September 1, 2024