AUUC’s Children’s Library for All Ages

Located inside AUUC’s Sanctuary, the new Children’s Library for All Ages has a collection of 478+ picture books available for check-out. Many of these books have been used in children’s spiritual development classes or in the Time for All Ages portion of our Sunday services.

The catalog of books is available online and through the QR code to the right

The books are organized by our newly adopted UU values, color-coded, and numbered by 10’s from 10 – 80. Thinking of our colorful AUUC bookmarks, you’ll be able to browse through books related to specific UU values. Each book has a specific color tape placed on the spine that coordinates with the bookmark colors and UU values.

For example, books related to justice are in the yellow section with the #40. Environmental books are in the orange section, honoring the web of life with the #50. Two additional colors, silver and black, indicate books about spiritual teachings & beliefs (silver, #20) and a small collection of novels for youth (black, #80).

To borrow books to enjoy at home, use the clipboard and sign-out sheet to sign your name and book titles. When you return your books, cross out your name and place the book in the appropriate colored bin.


Posted September 1, 2024