Discussion on Decisions at Upcoming UUA General Assembly, Jun. 9

Join us on June 9 after the Annual Congregational meeting to share your opinions.

The Unitarian Universalist Association General Assembly will be held online on June 20-23.  Accotink will be represented by four lay delegates (Pete F., Ken H., Dale H., and Milton N.) as well as RevLev.  On the agenda are the discussion of amendments to Article II of the UUA Bylaws and the final vote on Article II, a business resolution on embracing transgender, nonbinary, and intersex people as fundamental expressions of UU religious values, and several Actions of Immediate Witness.  The purpose of this town hall meeting is to get insights from the congregation on voting priorities.

The Final Agenda for UUA General Assembly 2024 is now available! This includes:

Three Actions of Immediate Witness (AIW) have been proposed:

  • Solidarity with Palestinians
  • Centering Love Amidst the Ongoing Impact of COVID-19
  • World On Fire: Humanitarian Work and Climate Change

AIWs are statements of the annual General Assembly on topics that require immediate attention and cannot wait for the four-year-long process of Statements of Conscience.  They do not have long-term policy impact on the UUA. Up to three AIWs may be admitted to the General Assembly agenda, discussed, and voted upon. A 2/3 vote is required to accept an AIW.  The texts of the proposed AIWs can be found at https://discuss.uua.org.

Please take a look at the Article II items, the Business Resolution, and the AIWs, and have opinions and questions ready for discussion on June 9.


Posted June 7, 2024