Home » Hypothermia Shelter
Hypothermia Shelter
Each year AUUC supports a week-long hypothermia shelter. Everyone is invited to participate! We typically host about 30 guests each evening. In addition to providing a warm place to sleep, we will serve dinner each night.
We hold these events with the help of many volunteers in various roles:
- Set-up crew each evening to ensure the building is ready to receive our guests
- Clean-up crew each morning to ensure the building is ready for our renters
- People to prepare meal items which need to be at AUUC by 5:00 PM on the day they are being served.
- People to arrange/serve the food and clean the kitchen after the meal.
This is a family-friendly event and older children (~10) are welcome to participate in the shelter under parental supervision. In addition, the Children and Youth Spiritual Development Committee will sponsor one night of the shelter to provide involvement for our younger children.
Even if you don’t have time to participate in one of the above capacities, you are invited to just stop by the church to meet and talk with our guests… they will appreciate it, and you will enjoy it.
Collecting Donations of Personal Care items
We collect personal care items and other small items to make our guests’ lives a little bit easier. Donations can be placed in the box in the gallery during the month of January. Our guests always appreciate your generosity! Thanks so much for your support!
We are collecting winter coats and jackets
These items are always popular:
- Socks (Adult sizes)
- Shampoo, conditioner, soap, etc. (Hotel freebies or sample sizes are great!)
- Toothpaste and toothbrushes
- Deodorant
- Shaving Cream and safety razors
- Small pads of paper and pens
- Small flashlights with batteries
- Lip Balm
- Gallon-Size Ziploc bags
- Feminine hygiene products
- Underwear/T-shirts/Long Underwear (Adult sizes)
- Hats, gloves, and scarves (Adult sizes)
- Shower Shoes (Adult sizes)
- Combs
- Hand Warmers
- Hand Sanitizer
- Ear plugs
- Shoe cushioning inserts
- New or gently used books/recent magazines
For more information, please contact justice@accotinkuu.org.
One of our 7 Principles is to respect “the inherent worth and dignity of every person,”
and together, AUUC will help a lot of people again this year.