Jan. 15 – Lobby Day in Richmond

John Peterson and several others will be traveling to Richmond again this year for VICPP’s bipartisan lobby day on Wednesday, January 15. VICPP has the largest and most well-organized lobby day of the different groups we support. Something like 300 people will converge on the capitol and have an enjoyable time talking to legislators to make them aware of issues that have solutions coming in various bills, enlisting their support, and finding out what they think are the chances for various reforms.

In the morning, VICPP will give each person the room numbers and times for meeting their delegate and senator, the bills that are likely to come up in their committees, and the information we want them to know about how those bills will improve the lives of the people of Virginia. You’ll get to meet others with the same legislators, including the lead person for each meeting, and decide whether you want to speak to an issue or not. You can just observe and lend your weight as a constituent to what the others say, or take on something that means a lot to you.

Then everyone departs to walk to the capitol and start their pre-arranged meetings with legislators. Next they will provide lunch, and then you can attend any two of around 9 sessions on various reforms Virginia could accomplish in the next few years. It’s all over about 3:15.

If you are interested, please contact John P. at justice@accotinkuu.org for details and transportation arrangements.

Note that the registration cost goes up Jan. 1, although if the $30 ($40 after January 1) is a burden, you can register for free.


Posted: December 23, 3034