Archives: Services

Question Box Sermon

Do you want to know a little more about the theological foundations of Unitarian Universalism? Or a little about the spiritual journey of your minister? Or a little about Unitarian Universalism’s response to racism throughout our history?  Whatever you would like to know a little more about, this is your chance to ask Rev Lev … Continue reading Question Box Sermon

You Already Belong

Belonging means feeling accepted, valued, and included for who you are. It’s the sense that you are an essential part of something larger—a community, a relationship, or a purpose—where your presence is recognized and appreciated. True belonging isn’t about fitting in or meeting narrow expectations; it’s about knowing there’s a place for you that was … Continue reading You Already Belong

Homecoming and Training to be Avatars of Love

A Multigenerational Water Communion The most influential Unitarian of the 19th century counseled the development of the principles and powers of the soul. More recently the 21st century animated series Avatar: The Last Airbender, follows its main character Aang as he learns to manipulate the elements of fire, air, water, and earth for the benefit … Continue reading Homecoming and Training to be Avatars of Love

Heartbreak and the Benefits of Being a Human Guest House

13th-century Sufi Muslim mystic Rumi is one of the U.S. and the world’s most popular poets. Ross Gay’s poetry collection Catalog of Unabashed Gratitude won the National Book Critics Circle Award in 2015 and his many essay collections have been best sellers. Separated by centuries but kindred in spirit, these poets will be our guides … Continue reading Heartbreak and the Benefits of Being a Human Guest House

“Flexibility of Faith”

Unitarian universalism is a living tradition. Throughout our history, we have responded to the times aspiring to reach our arms out wider in an ever-expanding invitation. Even as we find such change life-giving, it often means letting go of past traditions. What does it mean to be flexible in faith?  Service will feature an introduction … Continue reading “Flexibility of Faith”