Archives: Services

Community Is What Makes Love Possible

Join us for service on Sunday at 10:00 am in-person or online via Zoom.

Compassion can grow from our wounded places. Love and community can transform a wound into a sanctuary. Join us this Sunday as we explore how yielding into our vulnerability is a foundation … read more.

Liberating Love Gets Close

Join us for service on Sunday at 10:00 am in-person or online via Zoom.

Rev. William Levwood

The Purposes section of the proposed revisions to Article 2 states that as UUs we are committed to “transforming the world through liberating love.” Sometimes we jump ahead in this … read more.

At the Threshold of the Year

In this last service of 2023 we say goodbye to that which no longer serves us and pray for the peace our world needs. Plus! Dad jokes to start our year off with laughter, the best medicine ever found!

Question to Ponder: What should … read more.

The Labor and Love of Christmas

For us as Unitarian Universalists, “each night a child is born is a holy night.” So how is this night of Christmas Eve different from all other nights? Join us as we celebrate the birth of love into the world and explore together how we’re … read more.

Becoming Good Ancestors

AUUC Worship Associates with reflections from Warren M., Nancy D., and Jim G.

Question to Ponder: “What is something you can do for future generations?”

November Theme: Generosity

Just Enough Bread & Cider Communion

This Sunday we continue our exploration of Generosity with a re-interpretation of Shel Silverstein’s book, The Giving Tree. Join us as we look at greed, exploitation, boundaries, and true generosity.

Question to Ponder: “What are some ways you can be generous to others in your life … read more.