Archives: Services

“The Tyranny of Choice”

For this service, we will be exercising our democratic values by voting on service elements that will create a “Choose Your Own Adventure” experience.  Voting is our burden and privilege as citizens and Unitarian Universalists. Question to Ponder: “Do you ever feel that you’ve been paralyzed by the number of choices offered to you?” View … Continue reading “The Tyranny of Choice”

“Alexander Hamilton: Visionary of the American Experiment”

Alexander Hamilton’s vision for America, rooted in strong central governance and economic innovation, is deeply relevant today as we navigate issues of federal power, civil rights, and economic opportunity. Is the American experiment still true to Hamilton’s vision? Question to Ponder: “Do you think our American experiment, Democracy, promotes our well-being or deepens our suffering?” … Continue reading “Alexander Hamilton: Visionary of the American Experiment”

“Gifts Given Freely”

A Multigenerational Berry Communion In celebration of summer we’re having a Berry Communion! Here in Virginia, beginning in May, strawberries are the first fruits of the berry season, followed by cherries (ok, ok, I know cherries aren’t actually berries, but …) in June, then raspberries in July, and finally blackberries in July and August. Join … Continue reading “Gifts Given Freely”

“Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh”

This service will explore the question: Does God Have a Gender? (theme purchased in the 2022 Auction by Judy Robison & Suzy Porth). And the service will also explore how to approach difficult conversations– you know the ones, when you strongly disagree with someone and wonder whether you’d be better off just keeping your mouth … Continue reading “Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh”

“Hygge in Summer”

The Danish idea of hygge is, in some ways, a cold weather thing. There is nothing more hygge than cozying up by the fireplace with some hot cocoa while a snowstorm rages outside. But what does hygge look like in summer? Maybe hygge in summer is lemonade on the porch swing as fireflies fill a summer night sky. Join us this Sunday as … Continue reading “Hygge in Summer”

“Sanctifying Time: A Memorial Day Reflection”

In the month of May, UU’s across the continent celebrate the value of pluralism, including an acknowledgment of the sacredness of all sizes and shapes and functions of our bodies. On Memorial Day Americans honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation. How do we deal with the incongruence between celebrating the … Continue reading “Sanctifying Time: A Memorial Day Reflection”

“You Are Loved …”

For this church year’s Water Communion, we learned from Douglas Wood’s story Old Turtle. This Sunday, for this year’s Flower Communion, we’ll learn from its sequel, Old Turtle and the Broken Truth. This year we’ve studied the proposed new UU Values – Generosity, Justice, Equity, Interdependence, Transformation, and Pluralism. We conclude this exploration this month … Continue reading “You Are Loved …”