Invitation to the Annual Spring Reception to Honor 2024 Student Peace Award Recipients
Through AUUC’s Social Justice Committee, our congregation has supported the Student Peace Awards of Fairfax County program since 2007. Each year our 30 local high schools are given the opportunity to select a junior, senior, or student organization to receive the Peace Award for their school. This year 27 schools responded. These Peace Award recipients will be honored with their families at this annual ceremony:
Date: Sunday, March 10 beginning at 3:30pm; ceremony starts at 4:15
Location: Sherwood Community Center – 3740 Blenheim Blvd, Fairfax, VA 22030
RSVP: to Margaret Fisher, 703.244.9174
In addition to meeting these inspiring young leaders from our high schools, we will hear from keynote speaker Richard Rubenstein, University Professor Emeritus at GMU’s Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution.
Accotink UU Church is one of 15 sponsoring organizations. Please talk with Nancy Davis, Lisa Hayes, and Dotty Smith, active members of the Peace Award Committee and representatives to three of the participating high schools. Nancy, Lisa, and Dotty work with all the schools in the fall to facilitate and encourage student nominations, and would be happy to provide you with more information and welcome new volunteers.
See the complete Reception Invitation, and visit https://fairfax.
Posted February 16, 2024