July Outreach Collection: UUSJ

AUUC’s Outreach Sunday Collection for July supports the Unitarian Universalists for Social Justice (UUSJ). Their website is uusj.org UUSJ represents the views of UU’s on Capitol Hill and before Federal agencies.  UUSJ sponsors the Write Here/Write Now and Action Alert campaigns, which give UU’s nationwide a chance to write to their representatives about an issue that Congress is about to deal with.

Since COVID, UUSJ has conducted its meetings with Congress via Zoom and teleconferences, and many Accotinkers have participated in those meetings, along with UU’s from around the USA. Since becoming a national UU organization two years ago, UUSJ has established partnerships with UUA, UUJEC, and UUSC, along with the Poor People’s Campaign and other impacted groups. UUSJ’s Executive Director, Pablo DeJesus, will speak at the July 14 service and stay around for the coffee hour afterward.

If you would like to participate in AUUC’s advocacy activities, including UUSJ activities, please email John P. (Accotink’s Write Here/Write Now chair, representative to UUSJ, and Social Justice chair) at petermaten4@gmail.com or talk to him at a service.

Donations may be made online through the AUUC website anytime during the month; Click Donate, then check “Monthly Outreach Offerings”. Or you may mail a check to AUUC; make checks payable to AUUC with a note ‘outreach’ in memo line.  Outreach collections are sponsored by the Social Justice Committee.