Annual Congregational Meeting, Jun. 9

Dear AUUC Community,

I am inviting you to attend our Annual Congregational Meeting on June 9, 2024, at 11:30 am following that day’s church service. Light snacks and child care will be provided. Donations of food/drink are welcome. Our Congregational Meetings are important for putting into practice the democratic principles asserted by our Fifth UU Principle. Our By-laws reinforce these principles by requiring us to meet as a congregation yearly to elect new officers and provide information regarding church operations, including information on our financial status.

This year, we will be voting on several changes to our AUUC Bylaws, on whether to install solar panels on our church roof, and on whether to adopt a new Statement of Conscience on Reproductive Justice. We will also use the annual meeting as an opportunity to finalize selections for the social justice outreach organizations we will support during the coming year. Please review the Annual Meeting Materials to familiarize yourself with the issues we will be voting on and reach out to any Board member with questions.

I strongly urge you to attend the June 9 meeting to exercise your commitment to AUUC. Registration will begin shortly after 11:00 a.m. (when the service ends) and the meeting will be called to order at 11:30 a.m. For those of you who wish to attend the meeting virtually via Zoom, I encourage you to sign into Zoom as close to 11:00 as possible so that our Registrars can identify members for the purpose of determining whether a quorum is met. If you do attend the meeting via Zoom, you will be able to vote along with registrants who attend in person.

Congregational Meeting Agenda

1. Chalice Lighting, Rev. William Levwood
2. Opening remarks, Julie S., Congregation President
3. Outreach Organization Voting, Ed K., Social Justice Committee
4. Voting for Election of Officers
5. Voting on Bylaws Revisions
6. Voting on Reproductive Justice Statement of Conscience, Jenn C.
7. Voting on Solar Installation
8. Financial Report, Julie S., Congregation President
9. Endowment Report, Jim G., Endowment Committee Chair
10. Ministerial Reflection, Rev. William Levwood
11. Conclusion, Julie S., Congregation President

It is important that we have a quorum to elect our officers and vote on other business, so please plan to attend the upcoming meeting. If you cannot attend in person and are not able to attend via Zoom, you can designate someone who will be attending the meeting to be your proxy for voting purposes. If this is the case, you can use the proxy designation form. Please remember that each individual attending the meeting can only act as the proxy for one person not attending. Thank you!

In faith,
Julie S., Congregational President

 NOTE:  More information about the Annual Meeting

  • The 2023-2024 Annual Report is now available.
  • Some food will be provided but bringing dessert or sides is always welcome.
    Sign-up here:
  • Childcare will be available. Children will have snacks and watch a movie downstairs.


Posted on June 7, 2024