Sponsor a Mawlat Student for Just $40

Each summer we ask Accotinkers to consider sponsoring one or more students at the Mawlat Upper Primary School in a remote location in Northeast India. Our Social Justice Committee commits to sponsor at least 25 of the poorest students.  Donating $40 (all donations of any amount are gratefully welcome!) sponsors one student for an entire year.  The money provides books, uniforms, school supplies, a small amount of protein for lunch and some incidental expenses.  All for only $40 per year per child!  The village still has no internet connection, but we are still hopeful there will be opportunities to communicate more directly with students in the future.  Check out the storyboard in the fellowship area on some Sundays.

For those new to AUUC, did you know there are over 10,000 Unitarians in Northeast India?  Most are very poor. The Unitarians in this region operate schools that are open to children of all faiths (unlike most other religiously affiliated schools).  To fulfill our social justice mission in the larger world, our Social Justice Committee and AUUC supports the Upper Primary students at the Unitarian School in Mawlat.  In this small village, most of the residents live way below the poverty level.  This is the ninth year for our affiliation with this school (we previously sponsored a small school that closed in a nearby village).

All travel/pilgrimage opportunities to India are only offered by individual US congregations currently.  There are also some opportunities to go to Transylvania and the Philippines. Contact Marsha White for information.

How to donate:

  1. Mail or drop off a check made out to AUUC with Mawlat School on the memo line to the office by Sep 22.
  2. Donate on the  AUUC Website: Click the DONATE button; select the amount you wish to donate OR Write in your own amount and select Mawlat School Fundraising; Click the DONATE button.

Contact Marsha W. with questions.


Posted June 7, 2024